How Acupuncture Helps Treat Allergies

There are many reasons one could experience allergies with variations from person to person, however what follows are the basic mechanics. The spleen and the lungs govern the immune system, and although other systems in the body can be involved, these are most significantly involved with allergies.

The spleen, which is understood in Western Medicine as connected to the lymphatic system, governs internal immune function. The lymph is in charge of eliminating material from the body that is unneeded or unhealthy, such as toxins or pathogens. The following is a useful analogy: the lymphatic system is like the alley behind a city home where the trash is removed, whereas the blood vessels are like the street in front of the house which brings in groceries and other needed items.

Spleen function generates internal immune system activity, fighting pathogens that penetrate deeper into the body and destroys pathogens in the blood stream so that they don’t cause internal allergies. If one were to eat or inhale a potential allergen, the spleen is in charge of destroying this material.

The lungs govern your external immune function and open to the nose, throat, and sinuses. If the sinuses and the lungs are functioning well, the mucosal membranes of the sinuses have immune system factors that destroy any incoming pathogenic material, such as pollen.

Another thing to mention about allergies is the following 2,000-year-old quote: when the spleen malfunctions, it will cause fluids to build up in the body. When the lungs malfunction, they will take on fluids. An example of this would be one consuming food and fluids that aren’t fully metabolized by the spleen and stomach. Those fluids could then “travel” upwards into the lungs. The lungs, to protect themselves, would activate the cilia (small hairs that are designed to move substances up and out of the lungs), which would push those fluids out of the lungs and into the sinuses, causing sinus problems.

Acupuncture can help boost organ function and, in turn, help your body deal with any airborne particles that may cause allergic reactions.

Nothing in this document is intended as a substitute for your doctor’s diagnosis and/or treatment. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA.